I’m currently in a writer’s slump. I understand this happens to all writers, but this has gone on long enough! I’ve been finding every excuse (and not good ones mind you, ie: lets watch that movie again, or I’ll just make a sandwich right quick, is that a pack of rabid squirrels in the back yard? Hurry, lets make a vine.) to not sit my ass down and just write.
Is it the fear of writing crap? No, because that is just the building blocks on which I can re-write.
Then why won’t I just let that happen? Do you, dear readers and fellow writers, find yourself editing even as you write the first draft? I can’t seem to stop myself. And as I continue doing so, I find that I lose some confidence in myself. I know, I know show me the world’s smallest violin.
So I wanted to post this here and ask, what inspires you? What gets your creative juices flowing?
(This might be a ploy to get mine going.)
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